Thursday, January 31, 2013

Load Counter

Nokia 2700 classic camera problem solution.

Nokia 2700 classic camera problem solution.if nokia 2700 classic mobil

if nokia 2700 classic mobile have  camera problem then this diagram that is given bellow will much help you to solve this problem.the parts that are encircled in red lines cna be clean with any electronics cleaner and leave it to dry for a few mints and then chek it may be ok because 80%
chanses are that it was due to rust and water damagis if problem is not solved you may have to change and replace htese parts but before replacing these parts must check rehoting and resolding them.some times only resolding can solve it also.

Nokia 2700 classic blue tooth problem solution.

Nokia 2700 classic blue tooth problem solution.

Nokia 2700 classic blue tooth problem can be solved by changing this given part that is shown in attahced diagram given bellow.first of all calean the pcb with any electronics cleaner and then leave it for a few mints so that it can be dry and after that if the problem is not solved the last solution is to change or replace this part and resistance as in diagram.